Don LePan (b. January 5, 1954, Washington DC))
CEO and Company Founder, Broadview Press (January 2014- )
President and CEO, Broadview Press (2008-2014)
Company Founder and Director, Special Projects, Broadview Press (2005-2008)
President and CEO, Broadview Press (1985-2005)
Teacher, Murewa Secondary School, Murewa, Zimbabwe (1982-85)
Manager, College Dept., Oxford University Press, Canada (1979-82)
Trent University
Doctor of Letters (honorary) 2004
University of Sussex 1977-78
MA 1978, English Literature (Renaissance)
Thesis: Within the Illusion: Shakespeare and the Complex Plot (supervisor A.D. Nuttall)
Carleton University 1971-75
Honors BA 1975 (First Class Honors)
Books and Sections of Books Authored or Edited
(with Laura Buzzard and Maureen Okun) How to Be Good with Words (Peterborough: Broadview, 2017)
(co-editor) The Broadview Anthology of Expository Prose (Peterborough: Broadview, third edition, 2016)
Rising Stories: A Novel (Press Forward, 2015)
(with Doug Babington and Maureen Okun) The Broadview Pocket Guide to Writing (Peterborough: Broadview, 4/e 2016)
(with Corey Frost, Karen Weingarten, Doug Babington, and Maureen Okun) The Broadview Guide to Writing: A Handbook for Students (Peterborough: Broadview, 6/e 2017)
(co-editor with Catherine Nelson-McDermott and Laura Buzzard), Science and Society: An Anthology for Readers and Writers (Peterborough: Broadview, 2014)
(with Laura Buzzard) The Broadview Pocket Glossary of Literary Terms (Peterborough: Broadview, 2013
“Introduction to Poetry,” pages 855-878, The Broadview Introduction to Literature, edited by Lisa Chalykoff, Neta Gordon, and Paul Lumsden (Peterborough: Broadview, 2013).
(co-editor with Sara Levine and Marjorie Mather) The Broadview Anthology of Short Fiction (Peterborough: Broadview, 3/e 2013)
(with Joseph Black, Leonard Conolly, Kate Flint, Isobel Grundy, Roy Liuzza, Jerome McGann, Anne Prescott, Barry
Qualls, and Claire Waters) British Literature: A Historical Overview (Peterborough: Broadview, 2010)
Animals: A Novel (Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2009; New York: Soft Skull Press/Counterpoint, 2010)
(co-editor with Joseph Black, Leonard Conolly, Kate Flint, Isobel Grundy, Roy Liuzza, Jerome McGann, Anne Prescott, Barry Qualls, and Claire Waters), The Broadview Anthology of British Literature (Peterborough: Broadview, 2006 [new editions of various volumes 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011])
Common Errors in English (Peterborough: Broadview, 5/e 2003)
English Checklist (Singapore: EPB Publishers, 1990) [Singapore edition of Common Errors in English]
A Cognitive Revolution in Western Culture: Shakespeare and the Birth of Expectation (London: Macmillan, 1989).
Other academic and literary
“‘Torture in the Way of Business’: Educating Victorians about Animal Food,” paper delivered at the joint conference of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada and the Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 28-29, 2017.
“Historian Daniel Vickers had a brush with Hollywood,” Obituary, The Globe and Mail, February 28, 2017.
“Neigh Sayers: Communication in Equine-Human Society in Black Beauty,” paper delivered at the annual conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association, Phoenix, Arizona, November 3-6, 2016.
“Unfair interpretations of ‘fair use’ damaging publishing industry,” Commentary article, The Hill Times, April 6, 2016.
“Intimacy, Suspense, and the Transformation of Emotion in Elizabeth Gaskell’s “The Crooked Branch,” paper delivered at the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada conference, April 22-23, 2016, Winnipeg.
“Cruelty at Mealtime,” Review article, The Literary Review of Canada, March 2016.
“Reading Animals and Eating Animals,” (co-authored with Maureen Okun of Vancouver Island University), paper delivered as part of a “Literature that Sparks Social Change” panel, annual conference of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Hartford, March 17-20, 2016.
“Why authors don’t need copyright protection long after death,” Commentary article, The Globe and Mail, July 16, 2015.
“‘Our Fellow Creatures’: Who Are They?” (co-authored with Maureen Okun of Vancouver Island University), paper delivered at the annual conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association, London, Ontario, November 13-15, 2014.
“Complicit Comedy and the Moral Community of Cranford,” paper delivered at the Annual Conference of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada, Banff, Alberta, April 26, 2014.
“How Much Does Free Cost?”, joint presentation with Writers’ Union of Canada Executive Director John Degen, Book Summit 2013, Toronto, June 20, 2013.
“The Secrets of Little Buttercup: Resolving the Comedy of H.M.S. Pinafore,” paper delivered at the ACCUTE conference, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Victoria, June 4, 2013.
“Eating Suffering” [Review of Donald Stull and Michael Broadway, Slaughterhouse Blues] Alberta Views magazine, January 2013.
“Leaving the ‘Other’ Out: Lewis Gompertz, the Victorians, and Human Animals,” paper delivered at the conference of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA), Milwaukee, September 27-29, 2012.
NB: A revised version of this paper was delivered at the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada conference, Vancouver, April 27, 2013.
“Dickens’ ‘The Story of Little Dombey’: A Case Study in Literature and The Medium of Performance,” paper delivered at the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada conference, Victoria, April 27-29, 2012.
“Performing Food: Non-human Animals in Advertising,” paper delivered at the conference of the Midwest Modern Languages Association conference, St. Louis, November 2-6, 2011.
“Janet Hamilton’s ‘Lines on the Summer of the Cattle Plague’ and Victorian Attitudes Towards Non-Human Animals,” paper delivered at the conference of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada, Banff, April 29-31, 2011.
“’Working Like a Nigger’: Women and Entrepreneurship in Amy Levy’s The Romance of a Shop,” paper delivered at the joint conference of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada/Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States, Vancouver, October 15-17, 2009.
“Coverage Between the Covers: Approaches to Annotating and Introducing Sensitive Subject Matter in Anthologies of British Literature,” paper delivered at the Modern Languages Association conference, San Francisco, December 29, 2008.
“Beauty and War: Tennyson’s Maud and the ‘Blood Red Blossom’,” paper delivered at the North American Victorian Studies conference, Yale University, November 15, 2008.
“Tennyson’s Maud and the Materiality of Poetic Sound,” paper delivered at the North American Victorian Studies Association conference, Victoria, British Columbia, October 13, 2007.
Scholarly Book of the Year Award, Alberta Book Awards, 2007 (for The Broadview Anthology of British Literature)
“The Case Against Copyright Extension,” Quill and Quire, November 2003.
“Gender Issues and Book Publishing in Eighteenth-Century Studies,” Panelist’s Presentation, “Publishing Eighteenth-Century Studies: An Informational Forum,” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 33rd Annual General Meeting, Colorado Springs, April 6, 2002.
“How Publishers Read,” Public Lecture to open a series on academic writing, University of Calgary, January 7, 1998.
“Purple Loosestrife” (poem), The Peterborough Review vol. 1, no. 4, summer 1995.
“Medieval and Modern: Thought Process and Literacy” Public Lecture, The McLuhan Centre, University of Toronto, October 1990.
two poems, Quarry, spring 1973.
Solo Exhibition, Feb 29-March 6, 2008, Brooklyn Artists Gym, New York
Joint exhibit, Sugar Gallery, Calgary, fall 2001
Web exhibit,, 2008-
Web exhibit,, 2002-2004
Candidate, New Democratic Party, Calgary Centre Constituency, 2000 Canadian federal election
Treasurer, New Democratic Party Riding Association, Peterborough, 1991-92
World University Services of Canada, overseas volunteer, 1982-85
Inn from the Cold (agency providing support to the homeless), Calgary, 2006-09
Acorn (Home Clean-out Program), New Orleans, fall 2007
Loaves and Fishes (Nanaimo Food Bank), 2012-2015